Made for a Purpose
Exploring God’s Plan for Your Life
The question of life and its meaning has been implanted by the creator into man to cause him to seek divine guidance on his journey through life. “The Gospel” is just that: God’s way to show man the way home and enable him to live a life pleasing to his Lord.
Made for a Purpose, Exploring God’s Plan for Life
Gerhard Nehls, B6 size, 18 pages
Many people set themselves many aims in life, some small, some great. ”On Saturday we will go shopping”, is a small aim. ”I want to be a doctor”, is a great one. Most of the great aims in life are, however, never realised, because they are dreamed about and do not become a purpose for life.
Most of the time, the day by day things that fill life become the purpose of life; earning money, obtaining things that make life plesant, eating and drinking, entertainment and sports, to mention just a few. And then, sometimes, we stop and ask ourselves: ”Is that the purpose in life? To eat, drink, be entertained, work, sleep-and then die?”